Stand Request

Request Your Registration Documents Without Obligation!

After submitting the contact form, you will automatically be directed to the download of the information and registration documents.

Stand space is currently available as follows:

  • 2025: Wetzlar, Heilbronn special area Future Now Hub, other locations fully booked or waiting list
  • 2026: all locations, partly via waiting list

You love personal contact - so do we.

Your contact to the all about automation sales team 
Lisa Bütner, Christine Oppermann-Schröder, Vehpi Safak, Andrea Gründemann, Katharina Gersdorf, Monika Farkas

phone: +49 711 217267 70
Sales Team aaa 2024

Do you need help?

Contact for Exhibitors
phone: +49 711 217267 70

Contact for Visitors
phone: +49 711 217267 10


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